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02 Aug 2024
Suspended in time? Peripheralised and “left behind” places in Germany
Jeroen Royer and Tim Leibert
Geogr. Helv., 79, 221–237,,, 2024
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16 Jul 2024
Schutz- und Sorgepraktiken: Wie LSBT-Organisationen in Deutschland Safer Spaces für ihre Arbeit mit queeren Asylbewerber:innen und Geflüchteten adaptieren
Lotte J. Hiller
Geogr. Helv., 79, 205–220,,, 2024
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10 Jun 2024
„Der Park als Problemraum“. Regieren städtischer Drogenkulturen am Beispiel des Görlitzer Parks
Frederieke Westerheide and Boris Michel
Geogr. Helv., 79, 191–204,,, 2024
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03 Jun 2024
Die räumliche Produktion von Alternsbildern durch Smart-Home-Technologien
Marlene Hobbs and Linda Pasch
Geogr. Helv., 79, 177–189,,, 2024
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13 May 2024
Material agency in art installations: exploring the interplay of art, space, and materials in Detroit
Nora Mariella Küttel
Geogr. Helv., 79, 149–160,,, 2024
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05 Apr 2024
Au centre est l'État-nation. Le Monde vu par des étudiants du Kazakhstan
Clarisse Didelon Loiseau, Almagul Mussina, Yann Richard, Nurzhanat D. Shakirova, and Julien Thorez
Geogr. Helv., 79, 101–117,,, 2024
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26 Mar 2024
Die another day: explanations based on qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) for the survival and non-survival of isolated ski lifts in Switzerland
Steve Schlegel and Christoph Schuck
Geogr. Helv., 79, 85–99,,, 2024
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20 Mar 2024
Von Stadt, Land, Fluss zur Nachhaltigkeitskunde: (Irr-)Wege der Ausgestaltung des Fachwissens in den Berliner Geographielehrplänen der letzten drei Jahrzehnte
Péter Bagoly-Simó
Geogr. Helv., 79, 73–84,,, 2024
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05 Feb 2024
Making space for community energy: landed property as barrier and enabler of community wind projects
Robert Wade and David Rudolph
Geogr. Helv., 79, 35–50,,, 2024
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16 Jan 2024
Theorizing power and agency in state-initiated municipal climate change adaptation: integrating reflexive capacity into adaptive capacity
Dennis Fila, Hartmut Fünfgeld, and Stefanie Lorenz
Geogr. Helv., 79, 21–33,,, 2024
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21 Dec 2023
A situated governmentality approach to energy transitions: technologies of power in German and Indian smart grid strategies
Leonie Büttner and Lucas Barning
Geogr. Helv., 78, 581–592,,, 2023
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13 Dec 2023
Critical critical posthumanism in human geography
Huib Ernste
Geogr. Helv., 78, 567–580,,, 2023
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24 Nov 2023
Towards an integrative understanding of multiple energy justices
Stefanie Baasch
Geogr. Helv., 78, 547–558,,, 2023
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22 Nov 2023
„We are making it on ourselves“ – Infrastrukturen der (Im)Mobilität in Bosnien und Herzegowina
Philipp Themann and Benjamin Etzold
Geogr. Helv., 78, 531–546,,, 2023
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10 Oct 2023
Legal Ecologies der Klimawandelanpassung
Tino Petzold
Geogr. Helv., 78, 507–518,,, 2023
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04 Oct 2023
Infrastructuring environmental (in)justice: green hydrogen, Indigenous sovereignty and the political geographies of energy technologies
Benno Fladvad
Geogr. Helv., 78, 493–505,,, 2023
Short summary
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